
Universal Love

Universal Love

* An escalation by Beau Cyphre *

All of your works in PreciousRedRose are touching me, and a lot of your art got little or no feedback - until now.
With The Manhattan Universe on tumblr I found a place where I can not only play with and promote my own art, but also upload and dig deeper into yours. So now's the time for you to watch out for a short note in your messages, telling you about the launch of your art in my special universe, and maybe you enjoy my accompanying words.

What do you have to do?
All it needs is that your art is planted in the borderland or inside the secret garden of PreciousRedRose, and if you've enabled your share options there might be another bright star in the universe soon, and I'll tell you everything about it.
Some stars will also come down to OZ, but this is another story Beau Cyphre and - maybe - Louis Cyphre are gonna tell you soon.

First Love: Beginning Endlessly (I)

First Love: Beginning Endlessly (I)

* An escalation by Beau Cyphre *

Nothing's ever so intense than the first - true? Sure it is, and we all remember. It's a precious, it's a hard love, and it's made for all time, just unforgettable.

Like my first love, Beginning Endlessly is the essence of it all, the mighty sun in this solar system of the rose, King's Dark Tower of the Secret Garden, and now's the time it's finally in my private Universe.

So just fave it if you like it. Fave it even when it's not about your own art at the time, 'cause showing your love means spreading the word, and real diamonds last forever, baby!

Some of these diamonds will show up in coming ART CRIMES of a strange guy who's calling himself now Beau Cyphre. He's really bonkers, but... only the best of us are, right?


Be it! Taking a risk is always an adventure.


The Silence Of The Lambs

The Silence Of The Lambs

* An escalation by Beau Cyphre *

Dedicated 2 whom it may concern

Sometimes I wonder why there's no feedback after I dived head first into the art of someone, and it reminds me a little bit of the silence of the lambs: Maybe nobody's so innocent anymore to believe another one's really interested in someone's art, and maybe the supposed intentions of someone like me scare some people as much as little lambs are scared facing the cruelty of the slaughterhouse.
But maybe I'm just thinking too much, and to remain in silence only means that some guys take feedback for granted or just don't appreciate the thoughts of strangers. Please think about it: Strangers when we meet doesn't mean we have to be strangers forever.



Since today, everything's random - The Secret Garden and Borderland.
It's cool to see every time new things when you reload the page, and I think it feels more like real life now. Thank God for all of you that make this page so special!

The Rose and the Chocolate Factory

The Rose and the Chocolate Factory

* An escalation by Beau Cyphre *

YES, I'm feeling it! May I be weird, like Corazon said today, but perhaps on some days I'm indeed like Willy Wonka drifting with a glass elevator through the neverending halls of his chocolate factory, watching all his Oompa Loompas at work. The Rose is my secret garden, and like Willy Wonka's chocolate factory the garden's a place where time and space do not exist. Are you feeling it? YES, you are feeling it, too.
There are so many of you now, and there's a neverending supply of golden tickets for everyone who wants to go. To go means to come into these halls, and there is place for all of the beautiful ones, may there be dozens, hundreds or thousands of you!
The Rose reminds me of the rose in Stephen King's The Dark Tower, and although this beautiful flower seems to be so little and fragile, it's a mighty thing spinning worlds within its petals - and these worlds are the worlds of your imagination. There are so many treasures you have to share, and sharing those treasures makes them more meaningful, lets them shine brighter than before.
Strolling in this garden feels just like heaven, so many stellar and inspiring gems! And even the borderland is pure joy: No one knows where it begins and ends, and members become fairies planting excellent flowers in the suburbs of the magical city called The Secret Garden. Some of these flowers turn into birds flying through these invisible walls of the garden, and when they rest they're so in awe of the sheer beauty around them that they nearly don't realize their own - until they transform and rise up above themselves, high above the garden, and oh, what a beautiful and divine sight!

The Rose and the Chocolate Factory is dedicated to all of you, but especially to Tim Burton and his wonderful movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, that inspired me so much. Thanks to Johnny Depp, thanks to Willy Wonka and thank you to Stephen King and his adventurous story of the dark tower - a tower that is grounding in the hearts of all of us. At least in the hearts of all dreamers, and YES, that means definitely U!

About 'Contributors' and 'Members'

About 'Contributors' and 'Members'

* An escalation by Beau Cyphre *

"If the wind blew every petal from your precious red rose
Would U be afraid of what U'd find inside?"

Prince, Dreamin' About U

PreciousRedRose is about wonderful flowers, secret gardens, fairies and elves. Most of all it's about inspiration, and inspiration is about U.
Possibly not all the flowers that you planted will stay in the garden. But those that will are all able to push the wizard's imagination, and one time little wonders happen in Oz.

Contributors in this group are people who are able to inspire me with every single one of their moves, artists so stellar that I'm sure that all the flowers they want to share in this garden will grow up to really amazing and beautiful beings. They can also share their thoughts to any subject they think might fit in the blog of this group.

Members can be everyone, all the guys who are addicted to beauty, and every member can suggest favourites (own art or art from others) that appear in the borderland immediately and may find their way into the garden soon.

About 'PreciousRedRose' and OZ

About 'PreciousRedRose' and OZ

* An escalation by Beau Cyphre *

"If the wind blew every petal from your precious red rose
Would U be afraid of what U'd find inside?"

Prince, Dreamin' About U

Life is a journey, and life is also an endless search for muses and inspiration.
PreciousRedRose is the place where you can suggest and share something beautiful, something that's able to stir up my imagination, and 'cause this is my garden, I'll take all your little beautiful things, these precious red flowers, to let my birds fly high in the sky. There up above very close underneath the stars these birds will meet angels whispering secret words to them - and as soon as they come back to tell me all they'd been told, I swear by God: I'll share everything with you.

PreciousRedRose is about wonderful flowers, secret gardens, fairies and elves. Most of all it's about inspiration, and inspiration is about U.
Possibly not all the flowers that you planted will stay in the garden. But those that will are all able to push the wizard's imagination, and one time little wonders happen in Oz.

IN OZ is my way to pay tribute to all the great artists who inspired me in the last weeks and months, who let me dream and write a lot of stories, which never were written in this way without them.


Hot Summer in B. C.

Do you want to be in Canada right now? Do you want to feel love, sunshine, adventure, sex and overwhelming excitement? Here you are! I wanna take you on that wonderful trip. Enjoy!


A Hundred Times

A hundred times can't be enough
If you're in love it's sometimes tough
Playing new games nobody plays
Writing down words no one would say...


Der kleine Gott

Der kleine Gott

* Eine Geschichte von Beau Cyphre *

Schnecke. Es ist beinahe unmöglich, mir Deine Perspektive zu eigen zu machen.
Ich bemühe mich dennoch und beobachte Dich in Deiner unendlich bedächtigen Art der Fortbewegung. Du kriechst den Boden vor meinen Füßen entlang und beabsichtigst (oder denkst Du vielleicht gar nicht darüber nach?), die alte Mauer des verwilderten Gartens zu erreichen - Du hast alle Zeit der Welt dazu.
Es gibt nichts, das Dich drängen könnte, nichts, worüber Du Dir Sorgen machen müsstest.
Für Dich gibt es nur Deinen Weg, den Du seit wohl undenklichen Zeiten mit aller Dir eigenen Geduld zurückzulegen scheinst.
Dich kümmert nicht die Bedrohung, Du spürst nicht die Bedrohung, die Dir auf diesem Pflaster seit Urzeiten begegnen kann.
Du kennst nur Weg und Ziel - nichts sonst ist für Dich von Belang.

Du bewegst Dich in Deiner eigenen Welt, zu der ich keinen Zugang zu haben scheine.
Du bemerkst mich nicht einmal.

Für Dich bin ich nicht von Bedeutung, völlig ungeachtet meiner körperlichen Größe, ungeachtet auch meines Schattens, den ich im Sonnenlicht auf Dich werfe.

Du empfindest weder Furcht noch Zorn darüber, dass ich Deinen Lauf mit meinen Augen aufmerksam verfolge.
Weg und Ziel, nichts sonst findet in Deinem Bewusstsein Platz..
Aber ich bringe es auf den Punkt: nichts von all dem interessiert mich wirklich.
Ich sehe Dich, und ich sehe das Sonnenlicht auf Deinem Schneckenhaus funkeln.
Ich kann sogar, wenn ich mich etwas bemühe, die Spur sehen, die Du auf dem Asphalt hinterlassen hast.
Ich bewundere auch die Tatsache, dass Du immer noch lebst und Dein Ziel im Auge behalten kannst - trotz all der Menschen und Fahrzeuge, die Deinen Weg gekreuzt haben müssen.

Dennoch ist nichts davon für mich von Belang.

Ich beneide Dich um die Ausschließlichkeit und Sorglosigkeit Deines Lebens.
Es kränkt mich, Deine Vollkommenheit anerkennen zu müssen.

Und obwohl Du fast das Ziel Deiner langen Reise erreicht hast, Deine Fühler fast die Mauer erspüren können, gefällt es mir, Gott zu sein für Dich.
Ich gehe weiter, ohne das Knirschen unter meinem Absatz besonders zu beachten.
Einige Tränen kann ich trotzdem nicht unterdrücken - und ich verdamme mich dafür, dass ich weine.

Das Weihnachtsgeschenk

Das Weihnachtsgeschenk

* Eine Geschichte von Louis Cyphre *

Er ertappte sich immer häufiger dabei, dass er sie auf diese bestimmte Weise ansah. Ihr Gesicht war ebenmäßig, fein geschnitten; der Ausdruck ihrer braunen Augen voller Wärme, die vollen Lippen sanft geschwungen, im Licht der Schaufenster feucht glänzend - ein einziges sinnliches Versprechen für später. Ihr langes dunkles Haar fiel glatt über ihre Schultern; ein geschmeidiger, duftender Vorhang, mit dem sie schon oft seine nackte Haut bedeckt und auf unwiderstehliche Weise gestreichelt hatte.
Er wandte den Blick ab, als er auf einmal das Gefühl hatte, dass sie seine Gedanken so deutlich und klar sehen konnte wie er das provozierende Lächeln in ihrem Gesicht.
"Du hast doch was!" sagte sie lachend, und er spürte, wie ihm trotz der vorweihnachtlichen Kälte in den Straßen heiß wurde. Er schüttelte den Kopf und wollte ablenken, suchte übertrieben eifrig nach den Wagenschlüsseln, als sie ihn mit dem feinen Wildleder ihrer Handschuhe sanft an der Wange berührte und nicht zuließ, dass sein Blick abirren konnte.
"Sag es mir!" Er suchte nach Worten, doch er brachte angesichts ihrer makellosen Schönheit keinen Laut über die Lippen.
"Sag, was es ist! Sag mir, was du dir wünschst. Ich will es wissen."

Zwei Wochen waren sie nun zusammen. Eine kurze Zeit, in der so vieles geschehen war, in der sie ihn immer wieder überraschte und in der sie ihm so vieles gezeigt hatte. Und obwohl sie ihn in beinahe jeder Hinsicht glücklich zu machen verstand, fehlte doch etwas, ein winziges Mosaiksteinchen, das im Verlauf der vergangenen Tage immense Bedeutung für ihn anzunehmen schien.
"Ich möchte dich darum bitten, dass du ein einziges Mal vor mir kniest."
Er konnte seine eigene Stimme kaum zuordnen, so leise hatte er gesprochen, aber sie hatte jedes Wort verstanden. Sie schaute ihn mit diesem unergründlichen Lächeln, das ihn jedes Mal so sehr verunsicherte, aufmerksam an. Mit ihrer Hand strich sie ihm sanft durchs Haar, und vorbei eilende Passanten beobachteten sie verstohlen.
"Ist das alles, was du dir wünschst? Du weißt, dass sich dann vieles zwischen uns ändern wird."
Er nickte, und es gelang ihm nur mit viel Mühe, das aufsteigende diabolische Grinsen in ein dankbares Lächeln zu verwandeln.

The Future

The Love Below shall be a vision, and The Skeleton Keys shall be a way to translate our soul into the body to find the heavens.

Wanna be part of 'The Skeleton Keys'?

Do you want to be part of the adventure?
Just send me a note with a link to one of your artworks you think that fits, and tell me why you believe it belongs to The Skeleton Keys. If it does, there may be a story about one of your works online soon.

Because The Skeleton Keys is based in deviantART, you need to have or get an account there.


The Skeleton Keys (one: jesus walks)

The Skeleton Keys

one: jesus walks

* A story by Beau Cyphre - with an illustration by Nikolas B. *

Close to the water I felt strange. There were no birds singing in the trees, and the sun seemed to faint every moment. Light was a trick.

"Shake it all off!", she said. "Just do it like a tree in winter, and then dance in complete silence."

I did so, because when my mother spoke to me, she was always right, and I trusted her.

Father was a different case. When I looked up to him, he decided to nail me on the cross, and he too did it in complete silence. He drove the nails in too deep, and he did it within seconds that felt like an eternity.

My hands hurt like hell, and my feet became numb, but he still held me 'cause I needed to stand, and when I listened, she told me a secret and gave me a promise about a place that was made in the heavens just for me:

The many asked themselves what had happened to the island, but the island always had been just for the few serving the one. You are the one, my beloved son, and in your heart you're holding the key that enables you to find and to light your path down the alley into the lands of thunder. There you go, and you'll open all the doors to make the sun shine brighter in the world until the day when there's no fear anymore - only love and trust.

Ever heard of a submarine like the legendary Nautilus? Probably not. But maybe you can imagine how it would be like to travel in a mighty ship designed to go deep, really deep into the hidden secrets of the seven seas. And maybe your desire is so burning, that you'd do everything to get on board of this ship full of adventures. It just needs one wish.

You don't know what I'm talking about? Well, I'd wonder if you do. If you're not one of the strange guys on this planet, there's no chance to get or to understand the thoughts of a mad man. You must be mad like me to see things in a different light and to forget your past to reveal a future that's hidden deep within, and you should be brave as the capitano of the Nautilus to go on this journey that's more like a trip than anything else.

One wish, just one wish from the bottom of your heart - and everything changes. Your body's the ship, and your mind can be the captain.

The Skeleton Keys

A few weeks ago I talked to Nikolas for the first time, and in the following days the idea of The Skeleton Keys became more and more concrete.
There's a world inside each and everyone of us, and we hold the keys to a mystery within our biological systems. These keys are made to open doors, secret portals that are leading into a lot of worlds: Strange, beautiful, dangerous, but always adventurous worlds.

The Skeleton Keys were originally intended as an ongoing collaboration, but sometimes things change, and so at least the launch of it will be inspired by one of Nikolas's pictures.

I also want to thank the greatest storyteller of our time who made this series possible: Stephen King.

Sometimes you open your eyes and you find that things aren't really what they seem. Understanding the mystery of the Matrix then enables you to create.


Die Insel

Viele haben sich gefragt, was aus der Insel geworden ist in den letzten Monaten, und einige von euch haben sie schlicht vergessen oder den Weg nicht mehr gefunden.
Nun, sie ist immer noch hier, und sie ist einer der seltsamen Orte, die problemlos mit Hilfe der Portale erreicht werden können - wenn man wagemutig genug ist, die Portale zu nutzen.
Die Portale befinden sich immer in Sichtweite, und die Schlüssel dafür befinden sich tief in uns selbst.